Forest 4.0
The digital wave has also reached the forest! But we know that there are hurdles such as procurement, installation and maintenance: Together, we will find the best way for you: be it through specialization or universal approaches. From financing to the operating model, we support you as a dedicated managed service provider. Let’s lead nature into the digital future together!

Multifunctional drone applications offer comprehensive support in nature conservation and agriculture
Fawn rescue: Drones help to quickly detect fawns seeking cover in the fields.
Pig hunting: Wild boars can be driven out with drones and hunted to prevent crop damage.
Stocktaking: Drones facilitate livestock surveys, provide quick counting and access to hard-to-reach areas.
Tracking: Injured animals are searched for by Drone tracked down faster.
Reforestation: Enabling drones Ecological reforestation with automatic measuring and sowing.
Pest detection: Drones automate seed control, yield classification and determination of fertilizer and pest control requirements

With remote control and maintenance for optimized Agriculture
More and more workers and employees see working from home and the freedom to organize their time as a main reason for choosing a job. And more and more new tractors, loaders and harvesters support 5C radio connections. This means that working in the elements and the dangers of handling objects and machines weighing several tons can be significantly reduced in your company, while at the same time increasing efficiency, e.g. by optimizing the downtimes and rest periods of harvesters and loaders.
We record your stock and your ambitions and bring them together, from cost-cutting sensors that send the best time to harvest by SMS to your cell phone, to connected devices that make your bookkeeping easier, to fully automated loading to downstream operations.

Digital Empowerment: ARTIO's Non-Fungible Tokens for more Nature conservation
Preserving habitats and biodiversity has always been challenging and often dependent on donations. At ARTIO, we believe that people can unite for our planet.
With our NFTs (non-fungible tokens), we offer a digital solution for nature conservation and supporters . Supporters virtually own a part of the habitat and have insight into the use of the investment. As Conservationists manage sponsors, share data and progress in user-friendly dashboards.
Digitalization turns sponsors into managers of their projects, smart contracts enable simple coordination and project goals. For activists, ownership and status updates are presented in unique collectibles, linked to project teams and conservation goals.
ARTIO adds an objective source of truth by using the latest technologies, including drone footage, to provide regular habitat analysis and verified assessments to ensure that all stakeholders can agree on progress.